Learn how to save lives

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2 Saving Hearts


Our Story

Aloha, we are passionate about everything we do! We are all about family and working hard for our shared vision, mission and core values. We have both experienced first-hand the importance of knowing Basic Life Support (BLS)/Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). We have both witnessed life threatening emergencies and we knew what to do because of our CPR training. We are able to recognize the life-threatening situation, respond immediately and ultimately save lives.

This ability and confidence inspires us to want to share this knowledge and skill set via teaching the American Heart Associations’ (AHA) latest guidelines for BLS/CPR to the community.

Check Out Our Story CLICK HERE



“Life is short. Life is sweet.”

- Veronica

Founder, CEO and Instructor

Veronica Castelanelli

Veronica is a passionate, natural leader and she has always loved to teach and empower others. She has extensive work experience in the inpatient and outpatient Healthcare setting. She is a proud mother of 2 young children and holds her Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Nursing.

Being certified in CardioPulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) was simply a requirement for one of her previous roles, but little did she know that one day these CPR skills would save her Father’s life.

Ever since that life-altering day Veronica realized that CPR is the most important skill set that one can have. Sadly, her father eventually passed away. However, she took that pain and turned it into drive… Drive to change the world!

Now, she has a vision where nobody dies from cardiac arrest and her mission is to teach as many capable individuals as possible how to perform high-quality CPR.

“It is better to know it and not need it, then to need it and not know it.”

- Steve

Cofounder, COO, CFO and lead instructor

Steven Castelanelli, RN, BSN, PHN

Steve is an expert Registered Nurse with over 14 years of diverse experiences in various licensed nursing roles (ICU, ER and Professor). He is a lifelong learner that is obsessed with understanding the human body, well-being and the balancing act we call life. Ambitious dreamer and natural leader that aims to improve the US Healthcare system.

He has been the leader and a dynamic team member in multiple life-threatening scenarios. Competence and confidence in BLS/CPR skills gave him the ability to recognize the situation, act fast and save lives.

When his son was 1 year old he choked and turned blue/purple (cyanosis) around his mouth. He could not cough or make noise (severe choking). Steve knew what to do, stayed calm and was able to remove the foreign object with the back/chest thrust maneuver.

Steve believes EVERY person, but especially EVERY parent should learn CPR.