Learn how to save lives

Vision, Mission and Values

Our Why, Our How and Our Beliefs

Our Vision

A world where no one dies from cardiac arrest because every capable individual knows how to activate and implement the American Heart Association’s chain of survival confidently.

Check Out Our Story CLICK HERE

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Our Mission

Teach high quality Basic Life Support (BLS)/CardioPulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), choking response and AED operations to the community with an emphasis on the hands-on skills.

Promote healthy behaviors and prevent death through education.

Ensure that everyone we teach knows how to recognize a life threatening emergency and is prepared to save a life.

Share evidence based research and statistics in order to motivate individuals and families to live a healthier lifestyle and decrease their risk factors for major cardiac events.

*American Heart Association’s Chain of Survival/IHCA - In Hospital Cardiac Arrest/OHCA - Outside Hospital Cardiac Arrest*

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Core Values

Passion / Dedication / Quality / Integrity